Friday, March 21, 2014

A List of People (and Things) I Want to Punch in the Face

Hey there, dear readers.

So normally I'm not a horribly violent person.  I've never actually physically hurt anyone (I'm hoping I haven't hurt anyone emotionally, but I'm human, so that's probably impossible) but sometimes I think about it.  And I think about it hard.

Also, I'm a Cancer sun (the main portion of my horoscope) with an Aries moon (where the moon was passing when I was born).  Cancer = water, compassion, and emotions, usually caring.  Aries = god of war, rage, fire, anger.

No wonder every Avengers quiz I take lands me as the Hulk.  Good lord.  Do you see my conflict?

So obviously the best way to let this out right now is to create a list of everything I want to punch in the face. Let's consider it a win-win.  I get my ideas out before I can act on them, and you get a (hopefully) entertaining blog post.


Birdgirl90's List of People and Things She Wants to Punch in the Face:

~The people in Chemistry who always disrupt class

~The girl who was rude to my Statistics professor

~The guy who sits behind me in Chemistry and sighs all the damn time (like, every single class, constantly)

~Owen Wilson (I have my reasons, don't question)

~Anyone who cracks a rape joke (they also get punched in the dick or vagina a few times)

~Anyone who spreads rape culture (again, also in the dick or vagina a few times)

~Robin Thicke (can we please just launch him into the sun or something?)

~Anyone who's anthem is Blurred Lines (rape culture pisses me off to no end)

~The people who intimidate women (and men) going to Planned Parenthood

~The War on Women

~Anyone associated with the War on Women

~James Holmes (I am still nervous about going to theaters, asshole, and I was in one 40 minutes away)

~People who dismiss mental illness, like depression and anxiety, as nothing

~The entirety of Bioware (this is for my fiance and his disgust with how Mass Effect ended)

~Kids who are rude to their parents

~The creepy old guys who would just take samples off my table when I was working as a sample person

~Creepy old guys in general

~Body shaming

~Slut shaming

~Homework on weekends

~People who don't pick up their dog's crap

~Whoever decides to raise rent unreasonably high in our apartment section

~The person who created cookie butter (because it's delicious and addictive, and seriously, I do not need another delicious addictive food in my life)

~PETA (I get that you want animals to have rights, but lets fix the people rights first, okay)



~Simon Cowell (again, I have my reasons)

~George Lucas and co (for destroying the Star Wars prequels)

~A handful of my in works knitting projects, like the Doctor Who scarf

~The Westboro Baptist Church

~George R.R. Martin (for killing some of my favorite characters off - I'm looking at you, Red Wedding)

~Prince Joffery (before he died)

~Walder Frey

~Janos Slynt

~Too many other GOT characters to name

~J.K. Rowling (because you can't create a canon and then publicly say that you don't think the characters are right - Ron and Hermione are really good together)

~J.K. Rowling a second time (because that epilogue was atrocious)

~Dolores Umbridge

~The Death Eater who killed Fred Weasley

~Lucious Malfoy

~Adam Sandler (I will never be able to wash enough to feel clean from some of those movies)

~Whoever decided it was a good idea to do Batman vs Superman

~Also, whoever cast Ben Affleck as Batman in the above

~And really, Ben Affleck as well

~The Academy (for never letting Leonardo DiCaprio get an award)

~Grima Wormtongue

~The film adaptations of Harry Potter

~The guy who played Lupin in the film adaptations of Harry Potter (lose the 70's pornstache, dude)

~Agent Coulson for letting us believe he was dead (I cried and then I googled it - jerk)

~J.J. Abrams (for getting Star Wars and possibly leaving us Trek fans without another movie for an indefinitely long period of time)

~People who say I have enough ink pens or yarn

~Clothing designers

~Anyone who tries to change me

~Anyone who hurts those I care about

~William Goulding (the Lord of the Flies broke my heart)

~John Steinbeck (I still haven't gotten over Of Mice and Men, and it's been over five years)

~Stephanie Meyer (I own all the Twilight books from high school when I didn't know better, but I hate, hate, HATE that she shows an abusive relationship as being healthy)

And I think that is a pretty good list, for now.  I can feel the frustration leaving as I return from Hulk form.  (Or, as my fiance calls me when I get like this, "MeaghanKhan".)  Maybe I should do this again some time.

Until the next...


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