So today, my mom and I got this crazy hair to buy Viking runes.
Some quick background:
I was raised Christian and still live in a pretty Christian household, all things considered. A few years ago, I got curious about other things and tapped into my friend Dorothy, who is a self proclaimed "alter crossing Wiccan" who practices "Dorothy-ism". She gave me a set of Goddess cards that I carry with me everywhere and adore and is kind of my go to guide for all things Pagan and Wiccan.
My curiosity and wonder just keeps growing.
(Maybe this seems strange to you. If this sort of thing bugs you, this is your chance to leave.)
And I'm still learning, daily. Like, I've only just now realized that there are many Gods and Goddesses up in the pantheon and that the myths are all based in belief.
I'm a slow learner sometimes.
Anyway, back to the story.
So I've been building a basic alter in my room, putting in candles and things that I think fit right. I'm not sure who it's for, but it's a start. I am also in the process of learning about my herbs and how to make remedies, which are all part of it. Started a dream journal this week because I dreamed a red-headed Norse god told me to, and every dream this week has had some form of Gods or Goddesses in them.
I've also developed a deep curiosity for runes and decided I wanted a set.
I brought it up at breakfast while mom and I were out; she's pretty cool about being open minded, all things considered.
"Oh yeah," she said. "I used to read those. They told me I was having you and your sister. I don't know what happened to mine, though. Maybe I should get a new set, too."
And thus, we packed up and went to the local bookstore (not where you normally would think to go for this but it seemed like a good idea) to see what they had. I said a little prayer to myself before we went, just telling whoever is watching over me that if this was supposed to happen, let it happen.
It was supposed to happen.
We walked in and greeting us in the outer lobby of the store were shelves of Viking mythology, Celtic mythology, and various other things on Gods and Goddesses and fate.
Oh, and there were rune kits, with books and stones included.
And did I mention that I had almost exactly enough to purchase my copy? I think I have like fifty cents left over.
(Mom also bought a set. Mind blown, in a good way.)
There's a lot of energy in them. Just carrying the box around with me made my palms tingle and get hot.
So, they are in the bag now, sitting on my bed, waiting for me to figure out what to do with them.
(I don't really like the bag they came with, so I'm going to either make a new bag or buy a new bag. We'll see which.)
I'm excited.
On top of that, my mom and I had a really nice time out. I'm on spring break still, so it's been nice procrastinating on stuff and spending time with my mom. She has cataracts and can't see well enough to drive, so I've been taking her out and stuff this week.
I would say today was a very good day. :)
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