Saturday, March 23, 2013

Stuck at the Grocery Store

For six hours.

I kid you not, guys and gals.  I was stuck at the grocery store today with my mom and sister for six hours.


Because it was a blizzard and my boyfriend and dad were working different schedules.  So we left at 1 to go get my man at 2, only to find out when we arrived at the store that he was working until 7 like my dad.  Due to road conditions, we couldn't exactly leave.  If we had left, they would have had to sleep at the store.

(True story, my dad had to do that once about three years ago.  The snow was too deep for our little Focus and we couldn't get him.  It was not cool.  Although someone bought him deli chicken for dinner.  So I guess that was okay.)

We ate pizza from the in-store pizza place for lunch.  I had my knitting - that Doctor Who scarf - and made pretty good progress.  Kate had bought some fuzzy posters and let me color with her for a bit. 

But mostly we were bored and pissed.  Not at dad or Trev, but at their management for various things that have been going on and for the horrible things that happened today.

(I will not go into that today, just know that something's going to have to change or they are going to leave.)

So stress was high and weather was bad.  But we made it home and all is alright.  My dad's picking up chinese food as we speak.

The funny thing about it was the fact that all I wanted while at the store was to a) be home and b) take a shower.  I don't know if showering and being at a grocery store are related, but there you have it.

I seriously hate the snow. :(

And now, I'm off to eat orange chicken.


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