Hi there.
I didn't mean to leave you hanging, my dear, sweet readers. I know it's been almost two months since I last posted. I know that saying I've been busy is no excuse, either.
I've decided to revamp this blog a bit. It can't be just about knitting. I love knitting, I love yarn - but there's more to me than that. And I don't want to write if I feel I can't include all those other parts of me.
So this blog is now everything in one. Kinda like an everything bagel with cream cheese. :) I do hope we can start again, my readers.
You're probably having some questions and thoughts right now:
Meaghan, where have you been?
What have you been up to?
Yay, you aren't dead!
(I could be exaggerating, of course, but I choose to believe you're happy I'm alive.)
I can't remember where my last post left off, so forgive me if I seem redundant.
Let's see...
I'm enrolled to go back to school in the fall. I'm an Environmental Science major with an emphasis in Ecological Restoration. It seems like a far cry from my associates in Creative Writing, but I think the two will go hand in hand nicely. I'm hoping I can get a job with the EPA doing field work, or some other government position. I don't think I want desk work. I think I want to be out in the middle of it all.
I'm pretty excited about school. I like to read, I like to write, and I like to learn. I even like math and stuff, if you'll believe that.
(Which is good, cause I have to take a lot of Bio, Chem, and Statistics...)
Found out I'm going to be out of a job come May. As you may recall, I'm that awesome chick at the grocery store who trys to get you to try new products and stuff. Well. My boss was fired two weeks ago and emailed us; turns out, the company lost the contract with our major client, Kroger, as of May first.
(I feel like I should be more worried about discussing this, but what are they going to do, fire me? Come on.)
With the support of my family and boyfriend, I've decided not to pursue another job elsewhere. I mean, after the fall semester, I'm going to probably be taking 18 credit hours. And those are all going to be science classes. It feels weird, especially since money is tight for all of us in this little family unit. But I know God will provide.
My sister has decided to pursue opera. She has dreams of heading to New York and singing on a stage. There's a lot of musical talent in our family; she has everything she needs - talent, drive, and passion. I know she's going to light up the stages when she gets there. :)
My boyfriend is doing really well, too. It makes me happy. We've had a few rough patches the past month, but show me a relationship that hasn't. We're working on communication. The goal is to be able to get our own apartment shortly after we graduate with our respective degrees; then at some point, wedding bells will be chiming.
I'm not in as big of a hurry as I thought I was for that. I love Trev more than anyone in the world; but what we have is special and in both our minds, we're already married. We treat each other as equals, we respect and care for each other, we've stayed strong through some serious, serious crap. I think the wedding is just a formality. Don't get me wrong: I very much look forward to the day I become his offical wife. It's just, I'm not in a rush. I'm enjoying each day at a time. :)
This past week, I've been doing nothing but watch Numb3rs and knit on my sister's Doctor Who scarf. The project may be boring and tedious and painful, but it makes great knitting for watching television. And by watching Numb3rs via DVDs from the library, I don't have to deal with commercials, which is really nice.
(I have three favorite television shows: Numb3rs, which went off the air a few years ago, Bones, and CSI:NY, which I'm pretty sure isn't going to get signed for another season. Why do I like these shows? Because they're intelligent television. There's humor, there's science and math, there are great characters with great love lives that I actually can get behind. What can I say? My film class instructor last year said great script writers are moving towards television; I agree with him.)
I've also caved and joined Instagram. Look for me as birdietheknitter. If that doesn't work, let me know. I'm still on Twitter as well, under Birdgirl90. :)
Oh! So, a lot of you don't know this, but I was put on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication about two years ago for panic attacks. Well, I'm in an awesome place now and am in the process of getting off it. Sure, I am having some side effects - insomnia, hyperness, etc. But those are the same as when I went on it.
And I feel lighter. I feel less paranoid and sad and upset and worried. I feel like this weight has been lifted. :) I'm so very happy about it, I could do a dance.
Except I won't. Because it's, you know, 12:06 am.
Which means I should go to bed. But I just really wanted everyone to know I'm alive, I haven't forgotten you, and I'm back.
Welcome to a little bit of everything. I'm happy you're on this journey with me. :)
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