Friday, September 27, 2013

Notes from the Blogger

Hi, my readers.  :)

I'm realizing that going a month without blogging is apparently going to be the norm, at least for now.  So I thought now would be a good time to create a few "editorial notes" about this lovely blog for the new readers (and older readers, as well).

So what should you know?

1. I am a College Student.

             So, this doesn't mean a whole lot in the great scheme of things.  Except that I am very science minded and will possibly be bringing it to this blog.  I love science. I love learning.  That's pretty key to knowing me.  And that my time is crazy (and will remain crazy for at least the next four years), which brings me to...

2. Gaps in the Blog are Expected.

              Yeah.  So being a female science student who lives with her family and boyfriend while playing the violin and knitting has some serious perks.  Like, I get to go out and observe organisms.  And I get to have cuddle time with my man.  And violin recitals and holiday/birthday/fun knitting projects and whatever else I can possibly fit in.  So gaps are totally the norm here.  I would love to be able to promise a blog post a week, but I can't make any guarantees.

3. Spirituality is Huge.

             My faith is perhaps one of the few things that gets me through.  I have a very strong relationship with the Devine, though it is not at all in a traditional way.  It's a mix of so many things - energy and healing, Wicca thoughts, Christian principles, meditations, prayer, etc.  I do not follow religion and I don't believe in hell or damnation.  If this bothers you, I respect that.  But please understand that my faith, being part of who I am, will probably come up at some point.

4. I Love Owls.

          As will owls.  Owls are my love.  I have always loved them and I always will.  Yes, I think they are cute, but it's so much more than that.  Owls in the wild (and in captivity) are some of the most loving creatures you will find.  They mate for life and spend their entire lives with their mate.  Studies have been done on owls that lose their mates; most of the them wither away.  Their calls are beautiful, their physical make up is beautiful, and they can represent so much - creativity, nighttime, wisdom, the moon.  Owls are my creature.  They will probably appear in this blog often.

5. I Knit Obsessively.

         The original goal of this blog was to have a knitting blog like so many of the ones I follow.  While that didn't work (too much of myself is interwoven into everything I do, I can't have one without the other), knitting is a huge driving force of what I do.  It connects me to generations before me, to my mom, to the very center of creation.  I love the colors, I love the textures.  I love when a pattern forces me to learn a new technique.   I also enjoy creating some of my own patterns.

6. I Write All the Time.

          It may not be on here, but it's true.  I carry a composition book with me and usually several notepads.  I never know when an idea will hit me.  And granted, writing is not something I want to make my living off of, but it is still something I love.  It's expression, it's release, it's a natural part of me.  And maybe one day I will have some essays published.  We'll see.

7. I Also Read.

            Reading is cool.  I even bought a Nook with a Kindle app so I could read on the lightrail on my way to and from school easier.  Books are amazing.  I'm not a huge fantasy reader or fiction reader, but I love historical things and creative non-fiction.  Science books and spiritual books also are great.  I have this fear that if I stop reading, my mind will melt from ignorance.  And that is just unacceptable.

8. I Tend to be Liberal.

              No, I don't vote by party lines.  That's dumb.  Do your research and vote accordingly.  But I am a very big supporter of free speech, basic freedoms, and the need to have self expression.  I support gun control as well as the right to carry.  I also support gay rights and the right to choose an abortion.  Which leads to...

9. I Support Women's Rights.

             Don't tell me what I can or can not do because of my gender.  Better yet, don't tell me what I can or can not do in general.  Because I will defy you.  I hate rape culture and want more people to be aware of it.  I do not support slut shaming.  I don't think your virginity defines you.  And I loathe anyone or anything that tries to bring women down.  Women are awesome.  We are strong and beautiful and sensitive, all in one.

And finally...

10. I Love Life.

           I love it.  Every part of it.  And I want to learn all I can, do all I can, be all I can.  I want to touch and taste and dream.  If you can't handle that, then this blog is not for you.

There you have it, lovely readers.  Turn back now if you must or plow ahead (or behind through the archives) if you are brave.  This is a journey.  It will always be a journey.

Until the next time we meet.


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