Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday Funday

Hey there readers!

So Friday posts are now going to be called "Friday Funday" because honestly, why not. I like how cheesy it sounds, we are.

Today my husband and I went to go see the new Star Trek movie.  It was a belated birthday gift from him (my birthday was last week, so we postponed lunch and a movie until this week cause Star Trek) and lemme tell you.

It was great.

Now, I'm a Star Trek fan.
This is not to say I'm a die hard one.
I like the original series and I love the new reboot movies.

I know a lot of people have issues with the reboots or can quote episodes of TOS or Deep Space or The Next Generation.

I am not that person.

I am a casual fan.

(That being said, I do have fanfiction up somewhere online for the reboot films that I wrote when I was 19 and I kind of cringe at when I think about them.  It is what it is.  I could probably take them offline,

Anyway, back to the new movie.  I'm going to do my best not to spoil it (I'm not talking plot but characters more than anything), but if that is something you're worried about, you might want to turn back.

This film was decidedly better than the second one, in my opinion.  The villain felt better rounded out.  It was less predictable - I was on the edge of my seat most of it, whereas with the second one I knew it was Khan almost from the start and could put the pieces together fairly quickly.  This one kept me guessing, and was clever at it.

The character developments were also great.  We got to see a lot of the relationship between McCoy and Spock, which I loved - their salty attitudes with each other (yes, Spock can be salty) are one of my favorite things ever.  We got to see a lot more of Scotty and Chekov, which I also loved.  Plus Sulu had a bigger part.

All around, great characters.

Now, this is where I probably will get some push back.

I know a lot of people from the start have shipped Kirk and Spock or Spock and McCoy.  I for one - while not being opposed to those - love Spock and Uhura as a pairing.  She's the emotional side for him while he balances her with his logical rationality.  This isn't to say that Uhura isn't logical - she very much is - but they make a great pairing.

(I might be biased as I'm married to a man who sometimes acts like Spock.)

So yes, that was in the film as well.  But it was handled so well.  I don't want to spoil that for anyone, but just.

Honestly, the whole movie was handled really well.

Overall, 10 out of 10.

And this has been the Friday Funday. :)
Happy weekends, everyone!


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